Cannabis Flight

Flying High

Flying High? Flying can be a bit nerve-wracking for some people. Whether it’s the fear of flying or the stress of navigating through the airport, it’s understandable that some travelers may want to take the edge off before boarding their flight. That’s where edible gummies come in. Edible gummies are a discreet and fun way…

Exercise while High? 

Exercise while High? Cannabis, also known as marijuana, has been a topic of controversy for many years. However, with increasing legalization and acceptance in many parts of the world, it has become more widely used for various purposes, including exercise. Many people believe that consuming cannabis before or after exercise can enhance their performance and…

Cannabis infused summer fun

Infused Fun In The Sun

Infused Fun In The Sun: While enjoying a sunny afternoon, many people like to enhance their experience by consuming cannabis. Cannabis can add a new dimension to many of activities, making them even more enjoyable.Why not try out something new with your next fun afternoon out in the sun? Here are some suggestions for how…

Does Cannabis Make Music Sound Better? Affinity Cannabis helps you find out.

Does Music Sound Better When You Are High? 

Does Music Sound Better When You Are High?  If you’re a music lover and a cannabis user, you might have noticed that your experience with music can be enhanced when you consume cannabis. Cannabis can change how you hear music, making it a more immersive and enjoyable experience. So, how exactly does cannabis change how…

Vancouver Cannabis Store

Does Food Taste Better When You Are High?

Does Food Taste Better When You Are High? Have you ever heard of the phrase “the munchies”? – Of course you have!  It’s a term often associated with cannabis use, where people experience an increased appetite and desire for food. But did you know that cannabis can also enhance your taste buds, making food taste…

Smoke Weed Vancouver

Playoff Party With Some Weed

Playoff Party With Some Weed As the NBA and NHL playoffs ramp up, many people are looking for ways to enjoy the games with friends while also indulging in some cannabis. If you’re looking for a fun and relaxing way to watch the playoffs, consider hosting a party with your friends where you all consume…

Fun Night With Cannabis Affinity Cannabis Store Vancouver

GUIDE: Dope Evening With The Homies

GUIDE: Dope Evening With The Homies If you’re looking for a fun evening with your friends, you can’t go wrong with some good cannabis and good company. And what better way to kick things off than with a delicious strain like Strawberry Lemonade? This strain brings out the flavour you need to kick things off…

Affinity Cannabis What produces cannabis high

Cannabis High – How it works

Cannabis High – How It Works & The Science Behind It. The “high” that cannabis produces is a complex phenomenon that is the result of various chemical interactions in the body. Cannabis contains over 100 different cannabinoids, the most well-known of which are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). These cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid…

CBD Oils and Capsules at Affinity Cannabis Vancouver

Should you take CBD Pills or Oil?

Should you take CBD Pills or Oil? CBD (cannabidiol) has become increasingly popular in recent years for its potential therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety, inflammation, and pain. There are various ways to consume CBD, but two of the most common methods are taking it in a capsule or taking it in a tincture. In this…

Affinity Cannabis What are Trichomes and why they matter

What are Trichomes?

What are Trichomes? Trichomes are small hair-like structures found on the surface of cannabis plants. These structures are responsible for the production of cannabinoids and terpenes, the chemical compounds that give cannabis its unique aroma and effects. Understanding trichomes and their role in the growth and cultivation of cannabis is essential for any cannabis enthusiast,…