CBD Oils and Capsules at Affinity Cannabis Vancouver

Should you take CBD Pills or Oil?

Should you take CBD Pills or Oil? CBD (cannabidiol) has become increasingly popular in recent years for its potential therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety, inflammation, and pain. There are various ways to consume CBD, but two of the most common methods are taking it in a capsule or taking it in a tincture. In this…

Cannabis Near Me

Paranoia or Anxiety after consuming cannabis? Try this.

Paranoia or Anxiety after consuming cannabis? Try this. Cannabis is a popular recreational drug that is widely used for its ability to relax and calm the mind. However, some individuals may experience paranoia or anxiety after consuming cannabis, which can lead to unpleasant feelings and negative experiences. In this blog post, we will explore the…

CBD Vancouver

How does CBD work and what is it used for?

How does CBD work and what is it used for? Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to its numerous potential health benefits. CBD is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant, but unlike its more famous cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it doesn’t produce the…